Please Leave a TAG :D
Name: Lynne :D
School : Peirce secondary school
month born: AUGUST...
favourite food: pizzaaaa(at pizza hut :D),chocolate(thanks athena for feeding me choco's),chips(lay's) &Cheessseeecake!! (the one jesslyn gimmie eat) Matthew 5:16
In the same way,
let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven
Any Ads here~ ~ none~...does anyone wan me help them put ad's here?
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My 100th post! yea.Fianally 100th post...haha. today was the second day after school reopen... during P.E i did not bring P.E attire so must wear uniform... Litriture change teacher, from mrs poh to mrs wong..(our last time drama teacher) RECESS: run 2.4km for fun together with jesslyn--- and the ppl who failed 2.4km (includes cheryl) (: History: Mrs kia is very humorous and as she said, CRAZY :D as it was the 1st lesson of history, i was pardoned for not bringing my history text book and workbook. Waaa...very sian leh..a lot of lessons nvr bring the needed materials. Good thing maths i did my work long time ago. better start packing bags. Today went to shermaine's house with jesslyn and wenlin(she did not go mac's she straight go sher's house) after buying macdonals. Had fun with candy(the dog) (= Ok...now i don't want to talk so much already.. Being less enthu :P ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Today is friday and it is the 26th of june... Why must time pass so fasttt? Why can't they extend our holidays? why can't i catch h1n1? <----haha...jkjk :P I have not finished doing my maths yet.. I left a few more questions. Note to jesslyn: DO HOMEECONS!! Arrrrrrrrrrrr haha holidays going to over already so please tell me you have done them :D No streess hor. at about 7p.m going have bbq... hiphiphurray! I'm gonna do my restuarant city, farm town, mafia and more.. i know my post like very short already :D Oh, i went to try out karate yesterday from a sensei who has been teaching from genarations. From my cousin's mom & dad to her. I went to a japaness school to try out karate. Quite fun...considering to join or not to join (= ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Thanks for tagging (mish nagging)... Have not been using com a lot cause have band almost everyday...long hours. some disgusting person tagged as Bigboots...which is disgusting. Hope that person go away. Hahaha. I did my D&T yesterday, guess my score! Its 24/40!! I passed. I could get 30+/40 lol... cause spell wrongly and did not leave spacing and...nvr add A LETTER S behind. I cannot copy and paste the things you guys tagged so i slowly type. > Jesslyn: hahaha! yep workout and thanks for accidently reveling the secret of BIG WORDS. >athena: cannot tell you on blog...must be secretive, if i meet you again then you ask me :D >Felica: yea, hello (: i'll go yr blog soon. >PHOEBE: slow pig...that one so long out already :P hahaha... >jesslyn: hahaha...read same post. then you read the post below lah..or my last yr's post :] and you're crazy...talking to yrself. Jess...thanks for tags..RMB YR HOME ECONS!! >athena: yea..yr name appeared twice..thanks for tags! >jingwen: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pun MUST MUST MUST comeeeee and play >< she cannot be quarrantine on that day! Hahaha. I gtg do my maths with mish now...bye. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Hellooo...its early in the morning 8:46a.m and i'm alreading posting (: Yeah. Band is going to start at 11:45a.m end at 3p.m so long hours...i think i will go buy some sweets :D so can keep myself awake... I'm currently eating an apple for breadfast, hahaha. My mum and dad + my sister not home thats why can use com so early and have to eat a miserable apple...haha. Hey people...please join my mafia on mafia wars. (= now 9a.m already.. It took 14mins to finish my post... plus another few seconds for typing this sentence out. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Today band started early and i didn't know cause i nvr read the sms...so i was late...so sry.when reach quickly join band maties to do marching..very tiring! under hot sun...we wearing uniform leh...that is so warm lol...but we need train so, band. persever (:haha.when i have play my solo part...i had to stand up..so embarassing.the other section played well...think can finish whole song next week :DI did some karate workout-it is kinda like sit ups.but with yr feet in the air... moves 2 days ago with my cousin mish. (michelle) =Pi won her..I did 222!she...119+ ?hahaha...we actually wanted to stop at 50.but i did 51 to win her (:so we continued to 70.she is 74.I did 75.hahaha...so on.till i did 222.My neck was aching, stomach muscels painful..hahaha :PAhhhh holidays gonna end in a week's + time.... too fast..... I think before i know it, it will be december holidays...end of school,wooohooo. LOL. think too far?...dunnoe leh : I forgot to mention our instrutor/conductor/teacher MISS HUIMIN bought food for us to eat :) 1st time i think, hahaha. gtg.. chao. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Hello all...thanks for tagging :P I'm going to reply...In blue (: Jesslyn: spam spma spam spam spam............................................................................................................................................................................spam L:Hahahaha...you call that spam? :)Jesslyn: this is the chance to spam L: ok....go spam!Athena: long time no tagged!mux tagged bac L: Okay...i'll try to tag u back.hahaa. :DJingwen: La La La La La La. L: aLaLaLaLaLaLJingwen: TAGGED ;D HAVE FUNNNN IN YOUR ABC CAMP! ;D L: yo! haha..I Had fun in ABC CAMP.Jingwen: HELLO ^^ Lol sorry that i've not been tagging you these few days, i went overseas L: Wow..overseas...nvm..at least you are tagging now (:Phoebe: AIYOO! you and jess both crazy over BOF, HAIZZZ. L:Hahaha phoebe...IT IS THE GUYS WE ARE CRAZY ABOUT :DJkjk....i just like the show lahhh.yexin: lol-yxblog.blogspot.com L: ok :P thanks...I linked u already!Jesslyn: WOOTS!!!! L: hahaha...POOTS!!!Jesslyn: jihoo rocks jihoo rocks jihoo rocks L: yeayea...100%... hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Jesslyn: I oso love BOF larh dun cut in L: huh?.....haha. weird.Ok. i'm going out to eat dinner and...guess what? It just started raining :D I smell the rain~ quite dark now..the hse. feels so cooling^^ I going facebookk...ciao. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Did you watch B.O.F yesterday?! so nice...junbiao went to sicao's rescue.ahhh. so sweet ^^ LOL. I am ready for ABC camp already... You won't see another post until 13th june or 14th. Cause on 13th come back Singapore i might use com and post, but if i lazy then.....i try post on 14th JUNE. >mish:ABC i same bs group as you! :D >Yexin: You gimmie yr link okay?..then i try link you (: > Jesslyn! you better spam my tagboard :P I don't want dead blog and dead tagboard. Hahaha...jingwen you also go spam. ABC camp here i come :P This is short post.i know...hmmm...i need to put a earstick into my earing before hole closes...arrr. (random.) Yap jesslyn just send me an email...let me read. junk mail...ok.bye. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
change phone
Cheer up people around me
Go to 5 church camps :D so far 4 camps
Go above level 13 for bubble trouble when playing with michelle
Go out with jesslyn/melissa/jingwen/phoebe/FRANCE-ine (:
Take neoprint with my primary school friends❤ athena or girwina❤
Get good grades.All past.
watch the movie ~NEW MOON~
♥Jingwen♥ :D
♥Phoebe♥( the girl everyone loves)
Qingwei♥ (=
Base code: /rac♥
Pictures: Pictures
Designer: magical
By post:
- My 100th post!yea.Fianally 100th post...haha.today...
- Today is friday and it is the 26th of june...Why m...
- Thanks for tagging (mish nagging)...Have not been ...
- Hellooo...its early in the morning 8:46a.mand i'm ...
- Today band started early and i didn't know cause i...
- Hello all...thanks for tagging :PI'm going to repl...
- Did you watch B.O.F yesterday?! so nice...junbiao ...
- Now listening to the 98.7 countdown...I think this...
- 1. Does it bother you when you text someone and th...
- I couldn't sign in to MSN...shesssss....very bored...
By month:
- Thursday, October 2, 2008
- Friday, October 3, 2008
- Saturday, October 4, 2008
- Sunday, October 5, 2008
- Monday, October 6, 2008
- Wednesday, October 8, 2008
- Thursday, October 9, 2008
- Saturday, October 11, 2008
- Monday, October 13, 2008
- Tuesday, October 14, 2008
- Wednesday, October 15, 2008
- Friday, October 17, 2008
- Wednesday, October 22, 2008
- Thursday, October 23, 2008
- Friday, October 24, 2008
- Saturday, October 25, 2008
- Sunday, October 26, 2008
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008
- Thursday, October 30, 2008
- Monday, November 3, 2008
- Tuesday, November 4, 2008
- Thursday, November 6, 2008
- Thursday, November 13, 2008
- Saturday, November 15, 2008
- Monday, November 24, 2008
- Thursday, November 27, 2008
- Friday, November 28, 2008
- Sunday, November 30, 2008
- Wednesday, December 3, 2008
- Thursday, December 4, 2008
- Sunday, December 7, 2008
- Sunday, December 14, 2008
- Monday, December 22, 2008
- Wednesday, December 24, 2008
- Tuesday, December 30, 2008
- Friday, January 2, 2009
- Saturday, January 10, 2009
- Tuesday, January 13, 2009
- Thursday, January 15, 2009
- Sunday, January 18, 2009
- Monday, January 19, 2009
- Thursday, January 22, 2009
- Monday, January 26, 2009
- Wednesday, January 28, 2009
- Thursday, January 29, 2009
- Monday, February 2, 2009
- Wednesday, February 4, 2009
- Thursday, February 5, 2009
- Friday, February 6, 2009
- Saturday, February 7, 2009
- Friday, February 13, 2009
- Monday, February 16, 2009
- Tuesday, February 17, 2009
- Saturday, February 21, 2009
- Wednesday, February 25, 2009
- Friday, February 27, 2009
- Tuesday, March 3, 2009
- Friday, March 6, 2009
- Tuesday, March 10, 2009
- Wednesday, March 18, 2009
- Monday, March 23, 2009
- Saturday, March 28, 2009
- Monday, March 30, 2009
- Wednesday, April 1, 2009
- Thursday, April 2, 2009
- Monday, April 6, 2009
- Tuesday, April 7, 2009
- Sunday, April 12, 2009
- Tuesday, April 14, 2009
- Thursday, April 16, 2009
- Wednesday, April 22, 2009
- Sunday, April 26, 2009
- Tuesday, April 28, 2009
- Thursday, April 30, 2009
- Friday, May 1, 2009
- Saturday, May 2, 2009
- Sunday, May 10, 2009
- Thursday, May 14, 2009
- Wednesday, May 20, 2009
- Tuesday, May 26, 2009
- Thursday, May 28, 2009
- Friday, May 29, 2009
- Monday, June 1, 2009
- Tuesday, June 2, 2009
- Friday, June 5, 2009
- Sunday, June 7, 2009
- Saturday, June 13, 2009
- Thursday, June 18, 2009
- Wednesday, June 24, 2009
- Friday, June 26, 2009
- Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My 100th post! yea.Fianally 100th post...haha. today was the second day after school reopen... during P.E i did not bring P.E attire so must wear uniform... Litriture change teacher, from mrs poh to mrs wong..(our last time drama teacher) RECESS: run 2.4km for fun together with jesslyn--- and the ppl who failed 2.4km (includes cheryl) (: History: Mrs kia is very humorous and as she said, CRAZY :D as it was the 1st lesson of history, i was pardoned for not bringing my history text book and workbook. Waaa...very sian leh..a lot of lessons nvr bring the needed materials. Good thing maths i did my work long time ago. better start packing bags. Today went to shermaine's house with jesslyn and wenlin(she did not go mac's she straight go sher's house) after buying macdonals. Had fun with candy(the dog) (= Ok...now i don't want to talk so much already.. Being less enthu :P ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Today is friday and it is the 26th of june... Why must time pass so fasttt? Why can't they extend our holidays? why can't i catch h1n1? <----haha...jkjk :P I have not finished doing my maths yet.. I left a few more questions. Note to jesslyn: DO HOMEECONS!! Arrrrrrrrrrrr haha holidays going to over already so please tell me you have done them :D No streess hor. at about 7p.m going have bbq... hiphiphurray! I'm gonna do my restuarant city, farm town, mafia and more.. i know my post like very short already :D Oh, i went to try out karate yesterday from a sensei who has been teaching from genarations. From my cousin's mom & dad to her. I went to a japaness school to try out karate. Quite fun...considering to join or not to join (= ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Thanks for tagging (mish nagging)... Have not been using com a lot cause have band almost everyday...long hours. some disgusting person tagged as Bigboots...which is disgusting. Hope that person go away. Hahaha. I did my D&T yesterday, guess my score! Its 24/40!! I passed. I could get 30+/40 lol... cause spell wrongly and did not leave spacing and...nvr add A LETTER S behind. I cannot copy and paste the things you guys tagged so i slowly type. > Jesslyn: hahaha! yep workout and thanks for accidently reveling the secret of BIG WORDS. >athena: cannot tell you on blog...must be secretive, if i meet you again then you ask me :D >Felica: yea, hello (: i'll go yr blog soon. >PHOEBE: slow pig...that one so long out already :P hahaha... >jesslyn: hahaha...read same post. then you read the post below lah..or my last yr's post :] and you're crazy...talking to yrself. Jess...thanks for tags..RMB YR HOME ECONS!! >athena: yea..yr name appeared twice..thanks for tags! >jingwen: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pun MUST MUST MUST comeeeee and play >< she cannot be quarrantine on that day! Hahaha. I gtg do my maths with mish now...bye. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Hellooo...its early in the morning 8:46a.m and i'm alreading posting (: Yeah. Band is going to start at 11:45a.m end at 3p.m so long hours...i think i will go buy some sweets :D so can keep myself awake... I'm currently eating an apple for breadfast, hahaha. My mum and dad + my sister not home thats why can use com so early and have to eat a miserable apple...haha. Hey people...please join my mafia on mafia wars. (= now 9a.m already.. It took 14mins to finish my post... plus another few seconds for typing this sentence out. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Today band started early and i didn't know cause i nvr read the sms...so i was late...so sry.when reach quickly join band maties to do marching..very tiring! under hot sun...we wearing uniform leh...that is so warm lol...but we need train so, band. persever (:haha.when i have play my solo part...i had to stand up..so embarassing.the other section played well...think can finish whole song next week :DI did some karate workout-it is kinda like sit ups.but with yr feet in the air... moves 2 days ago with my cousin mish. (michelle) =Pi won her..I did 222!she...119+ ?hahaha...we actually wanted to stop at 50.but i did 51 to win her (:so we continued to 70.she is 74.I did 75.hahaha...so on.till i did 222.My neck was aching, stomach muscels painful..hahaha :PAhhhh holidays gonna end in a week's + time.... too fast..... I think before i know it, it will be december holidays...end of school,wooohooo. LOL. think too far?...dunnoe leh : I forgot to mention our instrutor/conductor/teacher MISS HUIMIN bought food for us to eat :) 1st time i think, hahaha. gtg.. chao. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Hello all...thanks for tagging :P I'm going to reply...In blue (: Jesslyn: spam spma spam spam spam............................................................................................................................................................................spam L:Hahahaha...you call that spam? :)Jesslyn: this is the chance to spam L: ok....go spam!Athena: long time no tagged!mux tagged bac L: Okay...i'll try to tag u back.hahaa. :DJingwen: La La La La La La. L: aLaLaLaLaLaLJingwen: TAGGED ;D HAVE FUNNNN IN YOUR ABC CAMP! ;D L: yo! haha..I Had fun in ABC CAMP.Jingwen: HELLO ^^ Lol sorry that i've not been tagging you these few days, i went overseas L: Wow..overseas...nvm..at least you are tagging now (:Phoebe: AIYOO! you and jess both crazy over BOF, HAIZZZ. L:Hahaha phoebe...IT IS THE GUYS WE ARE CRAZY ABOUT :DJkjk....i just like the show lahhh.yexin: lol-yxblog.blogspot.com L: ok :P thanks...I linked u already!Jesslyn: WOOTS!!!! L: hahaha...POOTS!!!Jesslyn: jihoo rocks jihoo rocks jihoo rocks L: yeayea...100%... hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Jesslyn: I oso love BOF larh dun cut in L: huh?.....haha. weird.Ok. i'm going out to eat dinner and...guess what? It just started raining :D I smell the rain~ quite dark now..the hse. feels so cooling^^ I going facebookk...ciao. ❤do you know how i feel? :D
Did you watch B.O.F yesterday?! so nice...junbiao went to sicao's rescue.ahhh. so sweet ^^ LOL. I am ready for ABC camp already... You won't see another post until 13th june or 14th. Cause on 13th come back Singapore i might use com and post, but if i lazy then.....i try post on 14th JUNE. >mish:ABC i same bs group as you! :D >Yexin: You gimmie yr link okay?..then i try link you (: > Jesslyn! you better spam my tagboard :P I don't want dead blog and dead tagboard. Hahaha...jingwen you also go spam. ABC camp here i come :P This is short post.i know...hmmm...i need to put a earstick into my earing before hole closes...arrr. (random.) Yap jesslyn just send me an email...let me read. junk mail...ok.bye. ❤do you know how i feel? :D